The great collision!!

Astrology predicts, that once again, this two great planets are going to collid!
The exact date are not known, but it says that, it's about to happen!
The consequences of this collision will cause great changes on Earth!
Entire cities will vanish, and millions of people will die!
And the world we know, will no longer exists!
Everything is going to change!
And a new world will arise!!!!
(Tá, tá, eu tenho imaginação fértil...deixa eu tá?! Eu gosto de contar historinhas...)
{hihihi...opz ; ) }
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eu já vi kill bill
é, o gustavo já viu kill bill e todos os blogs já sabem disso.
ahiuahiahihaihaiua...sabe que eu ia dizer a mesma coisa? ele contou isso pra toooooodo mundo!
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